"Solutions for a Sustainable & Just Future" was started by 19-year-old Sage Lenier at UC Berkeley. What began with just 25 enrolled students grew into a 300-person lecture hall in just five semesters, breaking Cal’s record for the largest student-led course ever. We have garnered attention from The New York Times, The World Economic Forum, Teen Vogue, and TIME Magazine and have been awarded by the California Higher Education Sustainability Conference for our revolutionary, solutions-oriented approach to climate education for youth, by youth.

To-date, the UC Berkeley program has served over 1,800 students and counting. Sage also offered the course digitally to a global audience in Spring of 2021 in partnership with Zero Waste USA. We are now taking our vision truly global through creating digital open-source educational offerings and creating partnerships with new universities, high schools, businesses, community spaces — anyone who wants to learn.

FALL 2018

“Solutions for a Sustainable & Just Future” runs for the first time at UC Berkeley with 25 students enrolled.

JULY 2019

Program receives award by the California Higher Education Sustainability Conference for groundbreaking innovation in curriculum.

FALL 2019

SJF breaks the record for the largest student-taught university class with an enrollment of 160.


The course breaks records again, now with 300 students enrolled and is featured in The New York Times because of the class’ “valuable advocacy-oriented perspective that academics don’t always emphasize.”


Partnered with Zero Waste USA to offer the program digitally to a global audience for the first time. Full feature in the World Economic Forum.


After a successful 1,800 participants in the program, we officially launch as a non-profit, Sustainable and Just Future.


We joined the Clinton Global Initiative as a 2023-2025 Commitment to Action


Our pilot chapter of SJF hosted the first Sustainable and Just Summit at UC Irvine producing 5 actionable sustainability initiatives.