Sustainable & Just Future has enrolled over 2,250 students and counting. At the end of each program, we ask our participants to provide feedback on their experiences with the course. Two-thirds of our students have been from non-environmentally related disciplines, yet 71% reported that they had or were planning to get involved in an environmental initiative or organization as a result of the program. 98% indicated that they would recommend the program to others and an overwhelming majority said that it had transformative impacts on their lifestyle and personal understanding of environmentalism.




  • "This program was, in a word, life-changing for me. From the little things I do differently, like avoiding mindless consumerism, to changing my major and thus career plans, to altering my mindset about life and the world – I am simply not the same person I was in August. Hearing someone say it, say that it’s bigger, say how far we really have to go, explain where that place we must go is and how we as a society can get there, that is the much-needed torch at the end of the tunnel for environmental activists everywhere."

  • "Wow. What a phenomenal program. It has been a while since I've gotten so excited and fired up about a class at school – I looked forward to it every Monday and always called someone from home to tell them about what I learned after each class. Instead of hearing day in and day out about how human life as we know it may not be around when I am an elder or envisioning an "apocalyptic" version of our current world, this class helped me see that this moment in history could truly be where we look to when we remember where our societal transformational change started. That is what gets me through each day. That is why I'm studying what I am."

  • "I hope to work in biotechnology and possibly in bioethics after college, and this class has encouraged me to continue to search for sustainable solutions to problems our generation will face. I would hope to develop technologies that can function in a circular economic system and make decisions that promote environmental justice."

  • "During the last session, I teared up in my spot and walked away with so much in mind. I have learned so much in just one semester; I look up to the instructors and I feel empowered as a female and as a person of color. There is no question that I will definitely put this empowerment to use. I've participated in the recent two climate strikes, I've joined an off-campus organization that tackles poverty with the UN's SDGs in mind, and I've taken my newfound knowledge into discussions with others who have in turn told me that it has made a difference in them. After taking this class, I’m looking forward to taking on a major that relates to environmental solutions as I was originally just studying business."

  • "On the first day of class, Sage said that we need to shift the focus from, 'humans are bad for the planet,' to 'it is completely possible for humans to live in symbiosis with the earth.' In this class, I feel like I realize that this is achievable and I have experienced a major shift from cynicism to optimism. Thank you, [teaching team], for putting so much time and effort into this course, I really enjoyed what I learned – though it was sometimes difficult to hear and quite eye-opening. I am so happy to have such a wealth of access to resources that I can now use to go forth and educate others."

  • "Through this course, I found my passion for environmental studies. Based on all of the interesting topics that we’ve covered in this class, I decided to take on an additional environment-related major where I can further my education on environmental injustice and sustainable architecture. I want to use my new knowledge to create positive social change by studying environmental law. Besides taking on this new major, another fundamental change I’ve made was spending more time on the community farm. I realized how important and connected we are to nature and I began volunteering at The Student Organic Garden and the UC Gill Tract Farm."